The development team will work to have trucks follow the dedicated routes to the best of their ability, but as previously stated, it’s not going to be perfect.
If trucks are found taking an unapproved route, the team will intervene to find the cause, and redirect trucks to one of the approved routes when applicable. The development team desires to finish this project as quickly as possible to shorten the duration of impact to the surrounding neighborhood, so trucks will be routed to the best available route in certain instances (for example, weather conditions, road impediments, etc.).
If you notice a truck on an unapproved route or have any other trucking-related questions or concerns, please email or call The Neighborhood Liaison at | 720-507-7537. Pictures, videos, or detailed descriptions are strongly encouraged so the development team can identify if the truck is associated with the 311 site and take steps to rectify the issue to the best of their ability.
Hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Saturday per the City of Boulder Municipal Code. Hauling and heavy impact delivery trucks will not be permitted to make their way to the site before 7:00 a.m.
• Two dedicated trucking routes will be used for hauling and heavy impact deliveries, as shown on the Truck Routing Map. All semi-truck sized vehicles are required to take these routes.
• Personnel vehicles and other trucks can utilize any of the available public roads.
• It is desired to alternate trucking routes every other day when possible. Trucks returning to the job site will take the same routes. Routes will alternate as follows:
• Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 4th Street to Dellwood, 9th to Balsam to Broadway
• Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: 4th Street to Alpine to Broadway
• The development team has been in contact with the Mapleton Early Childhood Center at 9th and Mapleton regarding construction activities. Given the multiple pick up and drop off times the school has throughout the day, and other logistics related to trucks being able to navigate safely and efficiently, Mapleton Avenue will not be used for export or heavy impact deliveries. The ownership group will continue to work with Mapleton Early Childhood Center throughout the project to address any potential concerns.
• Dirt and other debris will be stockpiled on-site as much as possible and trucked off when required.
• All trucks waiting to be filled will be staged on-site, not in the public right of way.
• Trucks will not be allowed to idle during warm weather days when possible.
• Dust mitigation - water trucks will be utilized to reduce dust during demolition and construction.
• Mud mitigation - stormwater protection measures are maintained on-site and streets will be swept periodically as necessary.
• Truck routing and staging plans have been submitted and approved by The City of Boulder.