Paving Operation 9/19

Paving on the road to The Sanitarium will occur Saturday, 9/19. Initially, this operation was to be complete last week, but our paving contractor's schedule has pushed into this week due to the weather impact. Unfortunately, holding off until Monday was not an option, as our paving contractor is booked 6-7 days a week through fall before inevitable weather impacts arrive.  There will be two days of preparation that will take place on Thursday, 9/17, and Friday, 9/18, and one full day of paving on Saturday, 9/19.

Asphalt Paving Operation Truck Estimations 
  • Equipment delivery on Thursday morning ~ 5 semi-trucks

  • Equipment Delivery Friday ~ 5 semi-trucks

  • Asphalt deliveries Saturday ~ 90 tandem trucks throughout the day

All paving activity takes place within the site boundaries. On Saturday, all trucking will complete by 5 pm, but compaction will most likely have to continue on-site a little after 5 pm and will conclude no later than 7 pm. 

Excavation + Hauling Update

Dense rock was unearthed recently as a part of current excavation activities. The difficulty involved with removing this type of earth has slowed the pace of excavation, and in return, will extend the duration of hauling operations.  Accounting for this, and other delays such as last week's storm, which halted work on-site Tuesday 9/8 - Thursday 9/10, and pending any future events, the development team now estimates current hauling operations to conclude early to mid-October. 

Excavation Haul Truck Estimations week of 9/14
  • 8-10 trucks round-tripping dirt off-site each day 

  • Hauling will not be active on Saturday, 9/16

Weekly truck estimations will vary. Updates will be posted in the Project Updates and Knowledge Base section of the Development website through completion. 

Overall Infrastructure Progress

The infrastructure phase is progressing at a steady pace site-wide, with substantial completion on the horizon.  

  • The boulder retaining wall leading up to the old Nurses Dormitory is nearing completion. Boulders pulled from the excavation area mentioned above were able to be repurposed for a portion of this wall. 

  • Continuation of storm line install.

  • Curb and gutter have been completed.

  • Paving operation commencing.

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